For Tanya
Ok so last night I had 3 glasses of wine and decided to hit the spa and I failed to tell Pat so I sat there and frolicked and entertained myself for about 15-20 minutes. Then I got bored with myself and lonely and decided to hop out. At my departure from the spa my feet slipped on the 1st step and I landed on my tail bone so hard that I launched myself forward landing on the right side of my face ( oh and in the dirt)..smashed my ear and head, skinned both knees and have bruises on both of my wrists, top of my right hand and bottom of the left. My bum hurts so bad this morning I can hardly sit or stand straight and when I chew the side of my head I smashed, it makes a funny crunchy noise. The irony here. I had the wine to take the edge off my back pain that I have been experiencing for awhile and I thought the spa would help as well. This is what I get for thinking when I've been drinking. Foolish, foolish girl.
Lessoned learned. Never drink and spa alone. Oh and I was in Full Monty. Now that should have been a picture for your new Canon. How nice that iS. You will have so fun with that!
happy Friday!!
(sorry meg)