Wind out of my Sails

After all that we have stormed, it took just two people today & after 5 months to do exactly that. All the wind. Whoosh and I was gone. Mad at myself for letting them have that power over me. I was trying to muster up an image or artwork that could describe the title of this post. I'm not that kind of artist. And those who took the wind were those I never expected, nor did I ever expect to react with such sorrow. That is the problem with "expectations."
The wind may have been taken from me today but in return... I've left an ocean to sail upon tomorrow.

Which is a new day. Thankfully.


buffalodick said…
I think I know what you're talking about, but more info would be good..
deb said…
The problem is that I put people on a pedastel that truly are nuts and then I am nutty because I let them affect me negatively. Vicious cycle. I think I am going to take up meditation or move to a deserted Island.
Tanya Kristine said…
that was a blow. such a long time friend...well...peopel change. sometimes they just grow away...and that's okay too.

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