Bikram Yoga

I took my first of 10 consecutive classes last night. It was the most intense workout I have ever experienced. It is the practice of Bikram Yoga which you can read a little about here at the center You do 90 minutes of 26postures & 2 breathing exercises in a heated room. Right around 105. I've never sweated so much. I made it through every pose without falling down. Some of the poses that were hard on my back I just went as far as I could and listened to my body. I could feel toxins and emotional crap just oozing out my pores. I slept pretty deeply and Today I feel lighter and have a better outlook. I definitely feel more bendy :). I talked with Bill the instructor and he said you can burn anywhere between 600 & 850 calories a session. He was very good and there was no pressure. You take it at your own pace. I was surprised how strong I was. The heat really helps you move through the moves. You will lose up to 5 lbs or more in water weight in the first 10 days. I'm doing it for my overall body and mind not so much weight loss. I'm seeking the benefits of a stronger leaner body, the feeling of calm and more energy. I'm curious to see how I feel after the day 10 which is the 14Th. I'll let you know then. I was also surprised to see the room was at least 1/2 men taking care of themselves with yoga (see what do i know). One burly tattooed guy rode off on his Harley with his yoga mat bungied to the back of his seat. Most people there are older (late 30's-40's +). Of course there were your few little young hard bodies too. Who doesn't like to look at a tight bum? :)
Another great site for benefits and practice of Bikram Yoga


deb said…
day two of sweaty Yoga. Now that I know what to expect the second time was not as intense. Still intense. It really forces you to concentrate on yourself and just the voice of the instructor (bill) who is a 63 old X-drill sgt. Very sweet guy. He looks amazing has longish hair and looks like he belongs on a beach teaching Yoga. I'm really enjoying it. 8 more to go.
buffalodick said…
Well, it sounds like you are having a positive experience with yoga... if you're happy, I'm happy!
Cynthia said…
Wow! That is some workout. I love the breathing and stretching of yoga.
deb said…
day 3. done. deeper. my skin looks better already. i had to fight to get here today though. i hate that mental fight to go do something good for yourself. It should not be that way. But i made it despite my mental battle and the good witch won!
I love yoghurt - oh wait you said bad!
deb said…
haha. how was your trip?
Tanya Kristine said…
you have to close the door on your past. and your windows. you can't go back so why re-visit? absolutely no point.

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