Megan and I now watch this show together. I hesitated at first but then again I'm her guide and thankfully she comes to me for 99.9 % of everything. Sex and the city is a classic, it's brilliant. It answers little questions popping up for her (and settles a lot of myths-CRAP told to her by her peers). This is my second time watching the series and I've learned more about the characters and more about myself. Honeslty a blast watching with my 15.5 year old girl. This is a great clip addressing an issue I dealt with for many years. Great lesson.

I am thankful to have reaquainted, met new and made some fabulous women friends this year. We share our deepest thoughts and fears with love, compassion, and lots of laughs. Healthy not intimidating. It's simple, not complicated. Thanks girls. Thanks Megan.


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