1987 wants their hair back!

Who are these girls?

Going through old photos.
Since then there have been braces, eyebrow waxing, & the boycotting of Aqua Net. Thank God.


buffalodick said…
You look hot! Still do, I bet...
Megan said…
that is too funny. I want to take a time machine to see what it was like in the day. You guys have the same horrible hair! Too halarIOUS!
deb said…
buff: you do recognize the blonde?

eileen: it was gorgeous "hair to be envied" back in the day! it is funny. ;)
Michelle Ann said…
It's no wonder Ms T doesn't like to spend hours on her hair anymore...these "styles" she sported required a serious commitment to structure. God lord!
its tonya newton john and debbie ronstadt.....
buffalodick said…
Tanya! She posted this same picture once- I and thought you both looked pretty great!
buffalodick said…
Michelle and Romy live....
deb said…
Yes we did invent the postit!
Dining Alone said…
I have plenty of pics of me looking just as ridiculous :)
Sully Sullivan said…
You look better then...kidding.

You look better now....err, you looked good then and you look good now.

I dunno I'll just shut up.

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