Happy Birthday Big Apple Buddy! Sideways & Belated

Happy Birthday Mr. DoggyBlog 9/22/2008

Note the Marilyn Monroe Paper doll

Best wishes for a phenomenal year!

This was last years wish that was shorted lived on my blog because of the living situation I was in. I was afraid or rather I know it would of caused a jealous outburst as truly innocent as it was. So here it is and it will stay and still has all the heart and more as it did a year ago. Thanks for being there at times this last year dog. Best wishes this year too.

Here's the original Sultry Marilyn singing Happy B-day Mr. President


that is so friggin' cute and so damn nice of you...thank you thank you thank you thank you....I better slow down I feel like I am having a Sally Field moment......
deb said…
well it is an "every Monday matters" moment. it just seemed appropriate and our pleasure (we were crackin' up). My brother celebrated 44 years last Monday. My friend Emily, 41 this past Sat. and my friend Patricia has her 40 th coming up the 26th. So many friends with Sept. B-days. ;)
Michelle Ann said…
September babies...the result of cold Januarys. The cupcake looks delish.
deb said…
Hey Michelle, I forgot my sister in law is 45 this Saturday too. The cupcake was from a bakery up the road. We enjoyed all of it's chocolatness!
I like that....every monday matters....well I am 48 just to throw another number in the loop.
deb said…
I knew I could drag it out! Just a #. I'm 42 in a few. Just another #.
bananas 43 and the puppys mom is 37...just to number it all out...no shame here.
deb said…
Ok Pat is 49, & Megan's dad is 57.
deb said…
Oh and "Every Monday matters" is a book & each week you do something to better the human race. You can do what the book suggests or come up with your own. it is very cool
buffalodick said…
Nice video wish to our bud, Doggy!
I bet you have a nice singing voice when there isn't oxygen deprivation going on... :)
deb said…
thank you. takes a gay to know a gay. where have you been?
I re -read these comments and somehow forgot that I had posted them - LOL anyway I am not 48 I am 49 now!

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