I Am Your Daughter

I am your daughter. Megan Eileen
I wonder who I would watch "Gilmore Girls" with if you were not in this world
with me
I hear you singing "My heart will go on" when you used to sing me to sleep
I see you smile your braces smile
I want to bake cupcakes with you
I am your sweetie pie

I pretend that we are back in our old house with our dog, Marmalade
I feel happy when we watch movies with Bella
I touch your soft polka dottaed pj's, which you love
I worry that I will not be able to go to Apple Hill each year to get pumpkins
I cry that I will have to leave you one day when I get older
I am your blue-eyed daughter

I understand that you have to go to work at Lyon Realty and not take me on
field trips sometimes
I say, "I love you" at anytime of day on a regular basis
I dream of us going to the bookstore and clothes shopping
I try to be there fo you all the time
I hope we can own our own diner in the mountains like you want to
I am your Buttercup

Happy Mothers Day, Love Megan

I need a mega size box of tissues. Bittersweet

I love you Megan. Thank you Squishy face my precious,precious bug a boo.


Tanya Kristine said…
my god i wish i had that love with my mother. you're a very lucky woman.
deb said…
me too. i am lucky a mother daughter love has come to full circle in my lifetime.

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