itsy bitsy blog tid bit smid mit blog

Beautiful day in Sacramento and more beautiful 88 degree weather to come. Megan and I rode our bikes tonight in east sac. I love to look at houses and think to myself "that looks like such a happy house." "Are they happy inside? I hope so." "And which homes house the nice/handsome single men in the neighborhood?"

Just starting reading Julie & Julia, again. Meg stole the book from me and finished it in two days. Brat. I have to finish it this weekend before the movie comes out next week. Memoir about a woman who in 365 days cooks/bakes/cries etc..524 recipes out of Julia Child's first edition "Mastering the art of French cooking" and blogs her journey. Now that's dedication.

There is one recipe from the book that I have to make and I promise that will come this weekend. I have to get back to blogging food or cooking food rather. You get it. whatever.

Happy Hump day.


buffalodick said…
Julia Childs was the reason there are good food shows today. A ground-breaking effort by her, changed how an average American saw food...
Tanya Kristine said…
it's the egg one istn' it...i have to be there when you make that.
deb said…
hmm probably not. that one includes vino and i do not need any wine here (at least this weekend) as it may lead to some opportunist, who is univited, arriving at my door. no no no.
Tanya Kristine said…
i meant when i'm off the diet in two months.

we should go for a bike ride today!!!
Tanya Kristine said…
it's august 3rd.
deb said…
now it's the 4rth and i'm still fricken sick. not happy :(

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