Off food for a moment. Funny Face

I've wanted to share a little about Bella the cat. Her breed is that of a Ragdoll. She is the funniest animal I've ever had the privilege to live with. She is as described here from
She runs to the door when the bell rings to greet guest and she likes most everyone. She will let you know if does not dig you. She's hisses and swipes at bad spirited people. Very smart that girl. She's pretty active. In the morning when she is most active..She'll charge up and down the stairs and all througout the house while roaring, not meowing, roaring, it's Hilarious.. and because she weighs in at a solid 17 lbs it sounds like horses charging up and down the stairs and down the hall. She bitches every time you go to pick her up yet lays in your arms like a baby. At bedtime she'll hide under the table where you can't reach her as not to want to go to bed just like a little kid (she sleeps with Meg.)When you do finally trick her out (i shake her food bag, which is getting hard to pull anymore, been going for the broom here lately) and get her to the bedroom all you have to say is "Go to Bed" and she runs up on the pillow next to her buddy. In the morning she'll come wake me up with her sweet little meow and pull back the covers. She then waits for me to gather myself up out of bed to go downstairs with her (she's very considerate). She's a constant crack up and I could not imagine our lives without her. And who does she really dig?? the guy who did not want her to begin with.. There is a love affair there and it's cute. She's a typical woman has to be involved in everything. I go read, blog and there she is trying to lay on the computer or my book. She's my funny face.
Characteristics and Temperament
Ragdolls (as their name implies) are extremely "laid-back," docile, non-aggressive cats. They tend to relax when held. They are said to possess a non-fighting instinct, which means that if attacked, they do not defend themselves. They are very "people" oriented and love to be around others, which often finds them greeting guests and/or following their owners around in a fashion similar to a puppy. They are often quite an attraction in a show ring because of their docile dispositions and acceptance of the judge placing them on their backs, holding them like a baby, etc.
In general, Ragdolls are not extremely vocal, but they do voice their opinions concerning certain things (such as at mealtime!). Ragdolls are generally placid cats, but they do love to play with all types of toys and like to be involved in whatever "action" is going on.