"Olive the other Relish"

My honey "Big Man" has been teasing me about blogging and mostly how I have to or rather insist upon foodographing his meals before I let him devour them. I shared this with him tonight and he most genuinely said "I like you!" Sometimes knowing that your partner REALLY digs you is sometimes better than the usual "I love you." He finished his statement that my blogging/foodography adds to my charm (although, I do suspect that my blogging only confirms his perception of my "Lucille Ball factor" of ditsy but beautiful.) I'm not ditsy, I'm Witsy. Just Ask Me.

Olive Relish:
Calamata Olives
Finely chopped celery
Finely chopped garlic
Lemon Zest
Juice of one lemon
Extra virgin Olive Oil (good olive oil)
Fresh herbs, fennel,oregano,parsley,lemon balm
Dash Salt
Fresh Ground Pepper

Made this to liven up last night's Chicken and tomorrow's Rare Grilled Ahi. :)


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