I Won't Be Hitchhiking Any Time Soon
Going my Way? Game of Thumb Wars? Odds in Your favor!
Today started out so promising. That was until my thumb betrayed me by getting the top half of itself completely closed in the corner side of the trunk of my car while in the grocery store parking lot . After 4 hours at the emergency room and 8 shots of Novocaine or lanocane (whatever) to the thumb. It's broken and tendon severed.
At first when I saw it stuck in the trunk, I thought OH MY GOD, I've severed it. I was alone and of course my keys dropped. I tried to reach over the trunk with my free hand to open it to free the dumb thumb, but I could not quite get it. So then with the thumb still in there I had to reach down to get my keys & finally pop open the trunk. Anyway, some nice guy saw me bleeding profusely and brought me some towels and a Pepsi (somehow having the conscious of mind to request a diet).. I got a reg Pepsi to sooth the almost severed appendage.
Oh and it's my right hand thumb. I'm right handed. So driving the manual stick shift to the ER was a no go. Called Pat at work & he came and got me 20 bloody minutes later and drove my bloody thumb to my PCP, then to the ER.
My thumb was hit at the hospital, Everyone wants to know the stupid details of my clumsy thumb. So now I'm Home and this has taken so long to write. I did have an enchilada post that was in the plan today. But we can all thank dumb thumb for ruining that. I'm putting thumb down for a nap.
What's the lesson here? BEFORE closing doors/trunks remove all limbs & appendages. It was very surreal to see my thumb stuck there like that. It for some reason reminded me of the Ben Stiller's scene in "There's Something about Mary", Franks & Beans.
So how's your day been?
P/S If you want to see a pic we have one. It's gory if you're into that?
I'll be breaking from blogging. This took about 30 minutes to write. xxoo ;)
A Buffalo joke to help! Indian guide, with ear to ground
say "Buffalo come".. Hunter says "How do you know that?" Indian guide say; "My ear is wet, Buffalo come, right there..."
i want a pix.
Hugs and Kisses to your boo boo :)
looks like Hostel.
i took it down. been there long enough + i've repeated the trunk scene 4000x in my head thanks to the vicodin that kept me up all the way till 4am. i hate narcotics! i do not understand people's obession?? I'm going to see if i can head off mr.pain with good tylenol today. ok i'm going to sleep watching "what about Bob?" Watch your limbs & have great day ;)~