beer battered pancakes


buffalodick said…
They gotta be great! Tell me more about creating these in my humble abode...
but isnt there still that underlying flavor of beer that a kid would not like?
deb said…
db:ever so slight. I add vanilla bean, almond extract and cinnamon to the mix too. no complaints here.

bd: just replace the liquid to your pancake mix home-made or bisquik.
Tanya Kristine said…
ohyouGITCH!!! that looks aamzing!!!
deb said…
tk: they were for megan. i had one bite and they were very goooood. i've been living on bruschetta all week with all the fresh tomatoes we've had around here. great diet food.
and tomorrow on the menu for me sushi and sake. it's cross the finish line friday. Toasting this month farewell!
deb said…
you know db i think what made these so special as a kid was the place i used to go with my grandmother. anything tasted good when she was around.

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