Leave it to...

My theatrical Megan to do a dramatic reading (which was painfully funny) of yesterday's post to make me realize just how corny I sound.
Next time I post a bad day it will read like this:
Today sucked the biggest, sweatiest donkey balls ever and leave it at that. :)


Tanya Kristine said…
hahaha...atta girl!
buffalodick said…
One cool old song from the 50's started like this:
When I was just a little girl,
I asked my mother, what will I be?,
Will I be pretty, will I be rich?,
Here's what she said to me..
Que Sera, sera..Whatever will be, will be..
The Future's not ours to see, Que sera, sera..
If it's bad, it will get better...Hang in there!
deb said…
Megan sang that song to me for mother's day in kindergarten with the goofiest expression on her face.

tk: you should have heard her theatrical dramatic reading of one of your pity posts! you'd die!
Megan said…
that sounds a lot better. Your funny.
Tanya Kristine said…
can i call a 13 year old a beyotch?
buffalodick said…
Megan has a blog? She's not a kid- she's a midget pretending she's a kid!

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