Sunchokes Roasted

from Wikipedia:
The Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus), also called the sunroot or sunchoke or earth apple or topinambur, is a species of sunflower native to the eastern United States, from Maine west to North Dakota, and south to northern Florida and Texas. ...

I was excited to learn about Sunchokes. I decided to chop into chunks then roast this bumpy baby (with skin on) with fingerling potatoes, olive oil, chopped onion, fennel, sea salt and pepper. They have delicate flavor. Really good raw too. I think next time I will try and attempt Sunchoke chips or some kind of Sunchoke salad with a light lemony vinegrette. YUM!

We had this with our new favorite Ox Tail recipe. Not many more cold days to enjoy this kind of food. Soon Summer flavors.


buffalodick said…
Strange looking beast, that's for sure!
Tanya Kristine said…
aah. you didn't peel them! they said you don't have to. so i won't either. i'm making them next week too. can't wait. i'm going to save one for making sunchoke chips.

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