1st Day Of 7 TH Grade

How many teachers do you know would have a first period Tea Party with homemade scones on the first day of school?

I snuck in yesterday and took a picture of what Meg's homeroom teacher had planned for the first day of school. Her first period is an all girls Bible Study. The private school where we chose to send her is a non-denominational Christian school. We're so excited about the program and her teachers.

Best wishes to you Meg for a great Jr. High Career. You're off to a great start kiddo.

Next thing I know she's off to college. I had so much fun with her this summer. My house will be way too quiet. I'm off to 2 interviews with a new Broker & restaurant today to keep my mind occupied. If I stayed here, I'd be weepy. This day reminds me the day I sent her off to kindergarten.

Check out the Potato Ho down at the post below! :)


Michelle Ann said…
She is so adorable. How fun...a tea party.
Tanya Kristine said…
aww...she looks so pretty! i love her hair~
another reason i'm glad i didn't have kids...too much pain
Sully Sullivan said…
Nice moves getting her into a private school. I believe this is a pretty good thing for kids if the parents can afford it.

Is the whole school an all-girls type deal or just that one class? If there's boys around they should prepare to get their hearts broken. She must get her looks from her mom ;-)

Wish her luck.
deb said…
She and I thank you guys!! It's co-ed. But 1st period and last period is all girls. Bible & P.E.

She had a great first day. I need mention the entire 7th & 8 th grade student body is a total of 36 kids. How cool is that! 7th is just 11 kids. 6 girls 5 boys.
buffalodick said…
Best of luck to her in her new school! A tea party? That's a new one on me!
Vylat said…
Just dropping by to say Hi! I'm into gardening and growing plants in containers. Also looking for good recipes for eggplant. You look like you might have one. . .
krysta said…
deb, your daughter is beautiful! loe her haircut! even though it's a little late hope she had a good day at school!
Dining Alone said…
That is so incredibly cool. She looks beautiful!

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