Lincoln Log Cakes

I've been going Gluten Free. I made this this morning with Bobs Redmill's All purpose Baking flour which is Gluten Free that is made with Garbanzo Flour, Fava Bean Flour, Potato flour and a few others.

They are really light & thin though not as thin as crepes. Stuff these with all kinds of crazy ingredients. Sweet or Savory. We like ours with real butter (light)& fresh fruit. I'm sure a good spicy sausage rolled up Pigs in blanket style would be great.

The flavor is so so good. Much more flavor than a white or wheat flour.

My recipe
1 cup Bob's Red Mill APBF
2 TB ground flax (good for you, omegas)
1 TB baking powder
1/2 tsp sea salt
1 egg
1 cup milk
2 TB canola oil
dash cinnamon
dash pure vanilla

Mix wet, then add dry mix gently. Pour onto a hot skillet. WALA!


Michelle Ann said…
I tried gluten free last year.. It was all good until I ate a gluten free cookie...bleech!
deb said…
ew. it's all in who makes it!
buffalodick said…
You California Girls... Look great, eat healthy crap.... Well, I guess it's working... The Bad Buff..
deb said…
Bad: & we're demented

my guy is all meat kinda guy. i trick him with so many good for you things. he never knows.
I eat anything - gluten free - gluten loaded its all the same to me I just try and do it with moderation....
deb said…
Dog: Me too for the most part. It's the metabolizing that I'm trying out. It's women, age & how we have hard time breaking gluten down. Trying it on for size to see if it helps with the God Forsaken 12 lbs I need - want to drop. :)
buffalodick said…
I hope you understand I'm just a Midwest guy, trying to understand... Lose those damn Avacados, though...
Dining Alone said…
My good friend has Celiac disease so I am going to pass this along to her. thanks!
I know about the metabolizing thing - I have become used to my new pounds...

and 'wala' is a french word and its spelled 'voila' LOL
deb said…
Buff: I love avocados. Maybe you try deep frying them? Have you had one?

Dining: There are so many great alternatives.

Doggy: i know. I meant it that way. ;0)~
I'll never get used the added pounds. It's not in my nature.
there is definitely something wrong with the buff man IF he doesnt like avocados too...the list is getting longer and longer....
oh...about the that the same as saying KO when you really mean OK....?
deb said…
I'm not French...sounds like wala to me. How do the French spell Walla Walla Sweets?

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