
Taking Megan to the show this Sunday here in Sac. These guys are CRRRAZY! I splurged and got us VIP seating and the Thunderbirds fly Sunday. Thank God for a great Sunday forecast too. We'll have lots of photos.

Megan and Kaycee were chosen to sing the National Anthem today over the school loud-speaker in rememberance of:


Through blurred eyes we find the strength and courage to soar beyond the moment. We look to the future knowing we can never forget the past. Americans must prevail against those who committed this evil act upon us. Americans must show and convey there condolences to the families of victims of 9/11. Nothing anyone can do, nor say can bring the tears back that have been cried, but we can prevent more tears from being shed by rejoicing as one and standing up for what we believe; "We are America, as long as we are one, we cannot loose"

Thank You,

The Staff At September 11th Awareness

9/11/02 in the evening was the night I was proposed to


Marjie said…
I will never forget. I will never forgive those who attacked us without provocation. As I tell my children, "Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it."
deb said…
Megan was 5 years old and in Kindergarten and saw it televised with me and her step dad. There was a plane flying on the way to school and she asked me "mommy is that plane going to crash into us to?" I don't know a soul who was not touched by the events still to this day.

9/11/09 8:39 AM
Tanya Kristine said…
remembering the proposal is probably not good though.

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