Puff The Magic Pancake

This was fun to make & very cool to watch Puff. The bases of the flour I used were Fava Bean & Garbanzo Bean Flours. They turned out really light & airy. Really delicious. WE LOVE PUFFY PANCAKES!

notice my chunky powdered sugar..it was frozen

the broken thumb was a result of shopping for puffy ingredients above. The amatuer show still went on.


Megan said…
those were STUNNING! haha! get it? funny video
pretty cool - and a grill skillet to boot....these are good and I like your variation as they are normally served with a squeeze of lemon and confectioners...I like the berries better! BTW you dont notice your thumb, as you are moving so quick, until the very end...
buffalodick said…
Three things:
1. Nice food.
2. Great song!
3. I know all the words, sang along, and there were tears in my eyes..(and I'll deny it if you say I did!)
P.S. Thank-you. Being cool is recognizing timeless... You are very cool, young Miss...
deb said…
I heart you guys and I don't hardly know you! thanks. ;)
Dining Alone said…
how fun!! that pancake looked DELICIOUS!
Tanya Kristine said…
mm. that does look good.

what happened to the video?
Big Brother said…
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Big Brother said…
You know what Hannibal Lector would probably say about this recipe?

"Fava beans should only be served with a census taker's liver, and a nice Chianti.... Fafafafafafa....
deb said…
hey big brother good to see you here. that's creepy!

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