Big Day

Meg has a big audition today at the Sacramento Convention Center. She will do a cold reading on camera and then she will have private interview with one of the agents who works with some of the bigger production companies. Oh boy. Break a leg Meg!

This is one of two headshots that we are submitting.


buffalodick said…
She looks beautiful! Good Luck!
deb said…
thank you. :)
Sully Sullivan said…
I guess you're not supposed to say good luck. I always hated break a leg. So I guess I'll say, "do well!"
Dining Alone said…
She looks GREAT!! good luck!!
As they say in theatre: "Break a leg!!!"
deb said…
well one of the two people who interviewed her called back today.

to sell me they're "workshop". I said no way. If you really like her then you'll pay her.

the call that would be nice is from a guy named Brett Carducci who seemed to really like her on camera. she did a cold reading and had to do a gap commericial. she was so comfortable on camera. not me. i could never pull it off.

that call if it were to come would be the middle of this week.

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