
What's he doing here??

T.K., Meg, & I get together last night to watch a DVD "How to take photos like a Professional in two hours or less with your Rebel XTI" Yeah, right. It was like watching the Spanish channel in Japanese. So about 40 minutes into it, both of us confused and cross-eyed (which is our typical look btw), T.K burns a copy for herself. To add to the confusion the narrator was faggy & annoying, the music was porno, and it's hard to watch anything with that hound of hers giving me a bath and terrorizing me with his tennis ball! He's really too cute and such a cute distraction.

Oh & T.K. made a really good sauteed zucchini along with citrus marinated mock fish.;) mmmm

Here are a few practice shots. The distractor, the student, & her new flat screen. (which is a beaut)


Tanya Kristine said…
hahahaha....that was totally fun. and that mock fish was AMAZING! :)

thanks again for coming over...we needed that.
deb said…
yes we did. oh i changed some of the verbage about Kody.
is that a pajama top?
Tanya Kristine said…
shut up db. it's hot here.
buffalodick said…
Christ! I thought that was Kody! I didn't realize you knew Tanya Kristine, the Mad Woman! If she cons Janet into having a blog, there will be four of you terrorizing the Internet...(counting the decent, quiet friend she works with!).
deb said…
michelle's quiet? i met janet last night for the 1st time (very cute) and miss kristine and i go back 22 years of wreaking havoc of all sorts! she got me hooked on blogging among other things, such as burping the alphabet. ;)

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